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Lyricist:Eye  Composer:Saki


(ふり向け)x2 無邪気な横顔

ずっと あなた以外 いらないから


Turn your innocent face to me

For I need you, only you, forever



春は来ない なんで私だけ


オシャレな店 あなたはそこにいた


The cherry tree had grown plenty of green leaves

Why was I the only one waiting for a spring that never came alone?

Feeling appalled, my friend dragged me to

A stylish store to help relieve my loneliness; that’s how I met you



そのズルい笑顔 反則でしょう?


I unconsciously stared at the left front seat

Your cunning smile was unfairly sweet!


(見つめて)x2 優しそうな人

あきらめ半分で 加速するこの気持ち

(このまま)x2 結ばれなくても

きっと 想う気持ち  世界中で 一番なの私だけは


I can’t help staring at you who seem to be so gentle

I just can’t forget you

Even if we wouldn’t get together

I’d surely be the one missing you the most in this world



私がいて 花火を見てるの


妄想する 枕に顔うずめ


“If I sat in the assistant driver’s seat beside you

We could watch the firework together

Yet I couldn’t take my eyes off you”

I bury my head in the pillow, daydreaming…



「そうだ、お祭り行こう」 爆発しそう!


I bump into you in the café where I take refuge on a summer day

Suddenly I want to shout out, “Let’s go to the festival!”


(どうして)x2 倒れそうなほど

舞い上がっていても そっけなく振る舞って

(このまま)x2 離れてしまえば

きっと 耐えられない

世界中に あなた以外いらないから


I’m overwhelmed with joy, yet

Why do I pretend to be aloof?

Were I to keep my distance from you

I’d surely be unable to stand it

In this world, I need nothing else but you


もうすぐ終わる 線香花火みたい


手を伸ばしたら 掴んでくれるかな



Like a sparkler burning out

I won’t be able to hold on any longer; before that happens

If I reach out to you, will you grab my hand?

Should I bet on it today?


(静かに)x2 息を吸い込んで

いま私の心 打ち上げて見せるから

(ふり向け)x2 無邪気な横顔

ずっと 見つめさせて

世界中に あなた以外いらないから


Silently I take a breath

Now I’ll show you the firework blooming in my heart

Turn your innocent face to me

Let me see your face forever

In this world, I need nothing else but you


あなただけを 想ってるわ 


I’ll think of you only

Translation video:


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