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Lyricist/Composer:Mitsuru Matsuoka


君の髪 胸 涙

傷も 夢も あの Kiss も

(サヨナラ)x2 BYE BY GIRL


Your hair, heart, tears,

Wounds, dreams, and that kiss,

(Farewell!)x2 BYE BY GIRL


君はもう 振り向かず 僕のドアも閉めず

夢を見た 君はいない 譲れない未来は見えない


どこまでも 沈みゆく Moonlight


You no longer look back; I no longer close my door

I had a dream, but you weren’t there; I can’t see the future which I don’t want to give in

Luckily I don’t feel tired and thus can still fight

Yet the moonlight sinks completely


彷徨って怯えて 壊してく心

スピードが過ぎてゆく 月に追いつかれ

壊れてるクラクション 踏み潰した夜

(聞こえない)x2 叫び声の Melody


I’m at a loss, and I’m afraid; my heart begins to fall apart

I can’t help slowing down my pace; I’m soon caught up by the moon

Tonight, I smash the broken horn

And I can’t hear the melody of my scream


もしも願うなら 強く願うなら

覚悟するんだ 言い聞かせんだ 愛すべき傷と

嘘塗れ世界 この翼 拡げ

分かってるんだ 信じてくんだ 笑い飛ばせ Yesterday


If I strongly make a wish

You’ll make up your mind and describe to me the wound I should love

In this world that is full of lies, I spread my wings

I realize, and I believe, that I can laugh off yesterday


君の髪 胸 涙

傷も 夢も あの Kiss も

(サヨナラ)x2 BYE BY GIRL


Your hair, heart, tears,

Wounds, dreams, and that kiss,

(Farewell!)x2 BYE BY GIRL


現実は 奪い合い 許す? 許される?

唯一無二? 咲き誇れ? 何も選べない


Reality allows people to compete with each other? Really?

Should I become unique? Should I bloom beautifully? I can’t decide


投げ出しそう(な夜)x2 見上げた(夜空に)x2

「真実」照らす あの白い月 まだ追いかける様に

僕はここにいる 照らしておくれよ

嘲笑う 見えない声に 踊らされぬ様に

嘘塗れ世界 この翼 拡げ

分かってるんだ 信じてくんだ 笑い飛ばせ Yesterday


I was about to give up tonight…looking up at the night sky

I begin to hope that I can still catch up with the white moon that brightens “reality”

I’m here; please shed light upon me

I hope that I won’t follow the laughing voices which can’t be seen

In this world that is full of lies, I spread my wings

I realize, and I believe, that I can laugh off yesterday


君の髪 胸 涙

傷も 夢も あのKissも

(サヨナラ)x2 BYE BY GIRL

あの日の今日が 未来 夢見たはずの未来

Life is like a box  Just alive ――BYE MY GIRL


Your hair, heart, tears,

Wounds, dreams, and that kiss,

(Farewell!)x2 BYE BY GIRL

That day, today was the future I would dream

Life is like a box  Just alive ――BYE MY GIRL

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