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Lyricist:RAMI Composer:KENTARO
“It’s about time I got tired of flirting with you
I won’t feel sad about leaving you”
He immediately sees through such a hurtful lie
For he knows everything about my bad habit, which is easy to understand
Not long afterwards, I’m pretending to be strong
Surely I’m a crybaby who cries more easily than anyone
Give Me Rainwater 冷たい飛沫を浴びて
Give Me Rainwater 染まったこの心を
Give Me Rainwater すぐに洗い流そう
Give Me Rainwater 次の扉が開く
Give Me Rainwater! Bathing in the cold splash of rainwater
Give Me Rainwater! My heart is dyed the cold color
Give Me Rainwater! Quick, wash my heart clean
Give Me Rainwater! So that I can open the next door
騙していたつもり? でも、それは勘違い
誤魔化している、その仕草 許せないの
When you face women’s hunch
You look embarrassed, and you change the subject
Are you trying to deceive me? But it’s only my misunderstanding
Just for the record, I won’t forgive you if you try to lie to me
Soon your face shows your heart
I used to love you even if you didn’t seem to be an honest man
Give Me Rainwater いつも笑顔でいるよ
Give Me Rainwater 今も…笑っているでしょ?
Give Me Rainwater 新たな星を探して
Give Me Rainwater 見返してやるんだから
Give Me Rainwater! I always have a smile on my face
Give Me Rainwater! Even now I’m smiling, right?
Give Me Rainwater! I’m searching for a new star to make a wish
Give Me Rainwater! I’ll prove you wrong!
(Rainwater)x2 この奇跡を抱いて
叫んだ泣き声は 遠く(響く)x3
(Rainwater)x2 嵐巻き起こして
傷をも吹き飛ばし 虹のふもとへ走ってゆこう *
I embrace this miracle called rainwater
My screams and cries resonate somewhere far
A storm comes. It brings rainwater
And blows my wounds off…Run toward the end of the rainbow!
Give Me Rainwater 冷たい飛沫を浴びて
Give Me Rainwater 染まったこの心を
Give Me Rainwater すぐに洗い流そう
Give Me Rainwater 次の扉が開く
Give Me Rainwater! Bathing in the cold splash of rainwater
Give Me Rainwater! My heart is dyed the cold color
Give Me Rainwater! Quick, wash my heart clean
Give Me Rainwater! So that I can open the next door
Give Me Rainwater この体、包み込んで
Give Me Rainwater 涙を隠してくれる
Give Me Rainwater 数多のみちの中から
Give Me Rainwater 優美な未来を掴む
Give Me Rainwater! Let it wrap around my body
Give Me Rainwater! Please hide my tears
Give Me Rainwater! Among numerous roads
Give Me Rainwater! I shall grab the refined future
(Say Good-bye)x2 昨日の私に言うよ
(Say Good-bye)x2 優しかった貴方にも
(Say Good-bye)x2 またこんな日が訪れても
(Say Good-bye)x2 この雨と共に泣いて
(Say Good-bye)x2 I say so to my past self
(Say Good-bye)x2 Even if such a wonderful day comes to
(Say Good-bye)x2 You who used to be so gentle again
(Say Good-bye)x2 You’ll still cry along with this rain
*:According to the lyric booklet, this line is “…‘い’…,” but since Rami sings “…‘ゆ’…,” I typed the word instead.
Translation video: