
Please visit my FB fanpage "Lyric Translation" and click like:

LyricistJulia  ComposerYoshi


僅かに残ったこの力を 捧げ続けよう 掴むまで
擦り切れ血潮塗れてのなら 突き進むのよ 届くまで
駆け抜けて行く 風切り残した跡 手掛かり無き砂浜
過去の栄光 縋るは恥

I’ll dedicate the only power I have until I can grab the light

Even if my body is covered by weakening passion, I’ll go straight ahead until I reach the destination

I keep chasing after the trace left by the storm, but I find nothing on the beach

My shame encircles the glory of my past

Will I notice that I already have nothing?

盾なんて飾り 女も飾り
惑わせないでお願い 忘れようとした

You’re the one who really has power

Who is decorated by shields and beauties

Please confuse me no more! I’m trying to forget

The days we spent together

築き上げるの一人で 物語生む 気高き瞳
涙なんて見せないわ 強くあれこの身


This is the story I create! My noble eyes

Shall shed no tears. I’ll be stronger.

I’ll be in control of everything, starting tonight


p.s. I corrected the online lyrics. Also, I used different colors to represent words spoken by different speakers.

Translation video:


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