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Lyricist:Aki Composer:Shohei
ねぇ もし 声が届いたなら
僕の表情まで 想像して
その時 やっと 君に *
出会えた意味が 生まれて いくから
Oh, if my voice can reach you
You can imagine my facial expression
The meaning of finally meeting you
Will be born then
そうすれば 傷は浅い。
“With me, you’ll surely say something
Everything will stay the same”
Don’t let me have expectations; I won’t expect anything.
This was to protect myself
I thought so. Then I drew a line.
By doing so, my wound was truly healing
君の声が 僕を呼んでくれた
その言葉が 僕に届いたから
君が僕の 景色を変えたんだ
その想いに 触れていたいよ
You’re calling me
Since your words reach me
You change my view
How I want to touch your yearning
ねぇ もし 声が届いたなら
僕の表情まで 想像して
君の 中に 残る
Oh, if my voice can reach you
You can imagine my facial expression
What’s left in your heart is
My only figure
"隔たり"だと 感じていた
でも君が 僕の足跡
"点"を"線"へ 繋いでくれた
その想いを 噛み砕きたい
I can’t connect “this line”
I feel the “distance” between us
Yet you act as my footprints
And connect the “dots” between us to form “lines”
I want to crunch your yearning
Before I swallow it
君の声が 僕を呼んでくれた
その言葉が 僕に届いたから
君が僕の 景色を変えたんだ
その想いに 触れていたいから
You’re calling me
Since your words reach me
You change my view
How I want to touch your yearning
好きな時に 好きなモノに
触れられる 僕等はもう
考えよう ともしなかった
掬い上げる 大事なモノ
無くさない様に ずっと
We touch the moments and the things we like
We thought that
Without thinking deeply
For we’re surrounded by overflowing “futility”
I’ll hold the precious things in my hand
And keep them well forever
好きな時に 好きなモノに
触れられる 僕等は今
その先を 見つめてみよう
見つけてくれて ありがとう。
We touch the moments and the things we like
Now we think that
I’ll try to find our future
“I’ll try too, so that we can be ourselves”
Thank you for helping me find our future
*:According to online lyrics, this line is “…‘と’,” but since Aki sings “…‘に’,” I typed the word instead.