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Lyricist:Haru  Composer:Sayula


脳に花が咲き 耳から零れて 

僕は僕じゃなくなり 消えてしまう 


A flower blooms in my brain; its petals fall from my ears

I’m losing myself and fading


[(バイバイ  社会のゴミ お前は)x4 

(狂ってる そう狂ってる 口を揃え誰かが言った)x2]x2

自己嫌悪で潰れそうさ 罪の意識に溺れそうで 

誰かの所為にして笑ってる 僕じゃない僕が笑ってる 


[(“Bye bye, the scum of the earth! You)x4

(Are crazy! Yeah, you’re crazy as hell!” Who said that unanimously?)x2]x2

I’m about to be beaten by my self-hate and drown in the sense of guilt

To feel better, I blame others and laugh…I who am not myself am laughing…


恋い焦がれた  底辺な僕は 運命だと錯覚してる 

君の奥に触れたい  逆さまにまた雨は僕を濡らす 


I who am socially inferior fall in love with you; I mistake this for fate

How I want to touch you deep inside…Yet the rain wets me again in an inverted manner




(I whom I hate the most die)x4


(バイバイ  社会のゴミ お前は)x4 

(狂ってる そう狂ってる 口を揃え誰かが言った)x2

自己嫌悪で潰れそうさ 罪の意識に溺れそうで 

誰かの所為にして笑ってる 僕じゃない僕が笑ってる 


(“Bye bye, the scum of the earth! You)x4

(Are crazy! Yeah, you’re crazy as hell!” Who said that unanimously?)x2

I’m about to be beaten by my self-hate and drown in the sense of guilt

To feel better, I blame others and laugh…I who am not myself am laughing…


頭の中 歌が聞こえる  瞳孔が覗く 愛してる 

君の奥に出したい  罪悪感の種が泳いでいく


In my mind, I can hear your singing voice…I can’t help staring at your eyes, cuz I love you

How I want to get out from deep inside your body, swimming through the origin of the sense of guilt


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