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(Shout Out)x3


さぁ矛盾だらけの世界 上手に生きましょう

隠した傷を抉って 魂を売れと

Oh 鏡に映る醜い笑顔 殴って (Break out)x2

Oh 飛び出せ ただひとつ輝ける (Break out) 舞台へ


Come, let’s do our best to survive in the world filled with contradictions only

Yet you dig out your hidden wounds and sell your soul

Oh, your ugly smile is reflected in the mirror…punch it and break it (Break out)x2

Oh, run to the shiniest stage (Break out)


心焼き尽くす 張り裂けそうな痛い歌

派手な鎧纏って (ただ)x2 叫ぶだけ

ひとつまた失って ひとつ手にした儚さを

闇に問いかけて 今宵も胸掻き毟る


This song conveys the pain that burns and breaks my heart

Wearing a glamourous armor only makes me scream

Whenever I lose something, an illusion would fall into my hands

I can’t help asking the dark why…tonight as well, my heart aches…


(Shout Out)x3


さぁ絶望だらけの世界 明るく生きましょう

裏切り 精神崩壊 歪んだ愛情

Oh 悪夢のような現実を今 殺して (Break out)x2

Oh 仮面を纏って飛び出せば (Break out)「覚醒」


Come, let’s live with optimism in the world filled with despair only

Betrayal, spiritual collapse, distorted love…

Oh, such reality is a nightmare…kill it now (Break out)x2

Oh, as you stop wearing a mask, you’ll “come to the realization” (Break out)


心焼き尽くす 張り裂けそうな痛い声

この地這いつくばって (ただ)x2 叫ぶだけ

ひとつまた失って ひとつ手にした儚さを

闇に問いかけて 今宵も胸掻き毟る


This voice conveys the pain that burns and breaks my heart

I can only scream while crawling on the ground…

Whenever I lose something, an illusion would fall into my hands

I can’t help asking the dark why…tonight as well, my heart aches…


明日を望むなら ひとつ手にした輝きが

闇に消える前に もがいて叫び続けろ


If you wish for the future, until the ray of light in your hand

Disappears into the dark, keep struggling and screaming


心解き放て 胸に刻んだ君の声

孤独な夜越えて 光はまだ見えずとも

この地這いつくばって 魂叫び続けろ

闇を切り裂いて まだ見ぬ光射すまで


Your voice is inscribed on my chest and free me mind

Even if you still can’t see the light after making it through the lonely night

Keep screaming with your soul while crawling on the ground

Tear the dark apart until the light you’ve never seen reaches you


(Shout Out)x9

Seeking love


p.s. I added what miko/miko and Jyou sings, but aren’t in the lyrics. Not so sure about the last line though. In addition to adding lyrics, I also distinguished the speakers with different colors.

Translation video:

(I used the live limited version of this song; the one that is from the mini album "This Is Now" is a new version, which also sounds great. I highly recommend you to purchase this mini album and listen to the new version of "Shout Out" and the other songs :) )


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